CIAO! Italian Language Light Online Group Course

Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE


Argomenti del corso

Ascolto, parlando, pronuncia, lettura, scrittura, vocabolario, grammatica e attività

Orario scolastico

Durata del corso
8 settimane
Date di inizio
Ogni primo Lunedì del mese
Lezioni a settimana
2 lezioni a settimana (ogni lezione dura 60 min)
Giorni delle lezioni
lunedi - venerdì

L'orario scolastico potrebbe variare secondo disponibilià e stagione.

Descrizione del corso

Little spare time? It has never been so easy for you to join our e-family and learn the Italian language.

This Italian language live online course is the perfect solution if you do not have a lot of free time but wish to learn the Italian language from the comfort of your home.
You can easily apply to CIAO! Italian language light online group course and learn through our dedicated and user friendly e-learning platform, that will allow you to virtually meet people from all over the world in a friendly and engaging small class.

Two sessions per week will allow you to work on your language skills, virtually meet other classmates from all over the world and practice the Italian language in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Classes are small and arranged by levels and time zones.

If you are a full beginner within 8 weeks the CIAO! Online Italian language light group course will provide you with the basic grammar and conversational skills so you can successfully advance to the next level.
If you are an intermediate/advanced student within 8 weeks you will be able to consolidate your Italian vocabulary while exploring new grammar rules.

All sessions are fully guided and live streamed.
Can’t join one? No worry! Sessions can be recorded upon request so you are always up to date.

Livello della classe

Tutti i livelli, da principiante ad avanzato

Numero di studenti per classe

Massimo 15 studenti

Età dello studente

Fascia d'età da 18 anni di età in sù


Un attestato di frequenza e completamento sarà rilasciato a fine corso.
Leggi ancora...


  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 1/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 2/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 3/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 4/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 5/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 6/7
  • Centro Studi Italiani - ONLINE 7/7

Domande e risposte

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